Hand-crafted Guards with a 12-Month Warranty and Guarantee, or Your Money Back.

How Repurchase Works

How Repurchase Works

Replacing an Old Guard is Necessary.

Replacing an Old Guard is Necessary.

Although we guarantee your guards will last you at least one year, you may decide to purchase a new one for various reasons. Some common ones are: lost guard, dog chewed the guard, guard is worn out, new dental work is done, family members need one, need a spare.

Save Up to 25% on Each Order

Save Up to 25% on Each Order

We know bruxism is a source of stress that no one asks for, and do our best to help relieve it.

Save 15% on every repurchase or save 25% if you order two guards or more.

Quick & Simple Reordering.

Quick & Simple Reordering.

Repurchasing is easy. Simply log into your repurchase account to automatically activate the 15-25% repurchase discount.

If you do not have a repurchase account, simply create one here:


Or, you can email us at support@jsdentallab.com and we'll send you an account re-activation link.

What If I Bought Through Amazon?

What If I Bought Through Amazon?

If you found us through Amazon originally, don’t worry—you’re still eligible for repurchase discounts!

Simply create an repurchase discount account on our website:


No Secondary Impression Needed.

No Secondary Impression Needed.

You don’t even have to take another impression of your teeth if your teeth have not changed.

If we have your molds stored at your lab, we'll process your guard automatically; otherwise, either request a new kit from us or send back the mold you have and we'll cover the return label as well :)

Need help with a repurchase? Contact Us. Our replies are lightening fast!

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