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Here's Why Your (Human) Canine Teeth Hurt

7 min read
by Dylan Hao |

Having tooth pain?

This tiny body part can produce enough discomfort to bring even the toughest person to their knees. But as much as we don’t want to deal with the throbbing sensation that comes with problematic teeth, this pain is a warning sign that something is wrong.

And when the issue is with the canine teeth, which we use to tear and chew, it’s hard to ignore.

In the human mouth, canine tooth pain occurs when the nerves in the pulpy area are irritated. This reaction can stem from a minor issue that can be easily fixed to something more significant that requires urgent care.

Why are canine teeth so important in humans, and what’s causing them to hurt?

Here, we’ll share the 6 most common culprits of canine oral health problems and how you can treat them if they’re causing your pain.


Have you ever had a cavity before?

If so, you can count yourself among the 90% or more people in the United States who will have at least one cavity during their lifetime. This oral health issue, officially termed dental caries, is extremely common. 

Cavities happen when bacteria and acid eat at tooth enamel, leaving behind holes. Dental caries can occur from things like:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Too much sugary or acidic foods
  • Excessive bacteria growth

The damage continues as plaque produces more bacteria and acid, and the layers of hard enamel erode. 

Soon, the microorganisms reach the soft layer of the tooth under the enamel, called dentin. Dentin protects the pulp, where the nerves and blood vessels reside.

Once the bacteria get through the dentin and into the pulp, they cause it to become irritated and swollen. Swollen pulp pushes against the nerves in the tooth, causing pain.

Because there’s a hole in the tooth, this pain can be triggered by anything from biting and chewing to air. 

Because of their naturally elongated shape, canine teeth (also called cuspids or eye teeth) are less likely to have cavities. This pointed design reduces the chance of food particles staying on the tooth and becoming plaque.

However, cavities forming on the canines can be particularly painful because we use these teeth so much.

How to Treat Canine Cavities

Cavities are usually easily treated with fillings. If left untreated, a crown or root canal may be necessary. In extreme cases, an extraction could be required to avoid infection to the gums and bloodstream. 


When your adult teeth come in, there’s usually not too much drama under the (gum) surface. The most common issue happens with impacted wisdom teeth. However, in about 2-3% of the population, the canine tooth can be impacted, which means it doesn’t erupt fully and naturally.

When that happens, the consequences can be painful and extend to the soft tissue and jaw bone.

Impacted canine teeth can happen for many reasons, such as:

  • Heredity
  • Abnormal tooth development
  • A lack of jaw space

Because of the impaction, extra pressure is put on the surrounding teeth and nerves. This is painful, but, more importantly, the force can damage those nearby structures.

How to Treat Impacted Canine Teeth

Generally, upper canines are more likely to become impacted than their lower counterparts. The impaction is also palatal — facing the palate — more than outward toward the cheek.

Although only one side of the jaw is (usually) affected, the damage can be extensive. An impacted canine tooth may fuse to the bone around it, requiring extraction and dental implants to correct the problem.

It’s possible to leave an impacted canine tooth alone, but there will be a gap between the permanent teeth where the canine should be, or the baby tooth (that the adult tooth would have pushed out) will stay put.

The more pressing factor is the need to deal with what’s creating the impaction. Dental X-rays can reveal the cause and determine the next step in treatment. 


Malocclusion, or “bad bite,” is the label given to teeth that don’t align properly, causing the upper and lower jaw to have an abnormal fit when biting. It can be genetic or the result of chronic bruxism (teeth grinding). 

When a person’s bite is off, the canine teeth are often damaged because of the unusual extra contact and pressure on the gums. The front teeth should have a mostly equal bite force, but a malocclusion can put too much pressure on the canine, damaging the tooth’s structure. 

In some cases of an underbite or overbite where the sharper canine teeth are severely misaligned, they can cut into the soft tissue, causing pain and swelling.

The constant biting and unusual contact between the misaligned teeth creates excessive enamel wear and tear, eventually exposing the dentin and pulp.

Treating Canine Malocclusions

Treatment depends on the severity of the issue and the symptoms. Lower canines that protrude may have ongoing contact with the upper mouth, making for an excruciating problem. Overbites or crossbites are often less painful in the immediate term, but the overlap puts extra pressure on the gums, leading to gum disease and damaged lower teeth. 

Talk to your dentist about your concerns. They may suggest orthodontic treatment. 

For moderate to severe misaligned bites caused by nighttime tooth grinding, custom-made night guards can reduce the damage and help you sleep better. Professional night guards designed for bruxism treatment keep the upper and lower teeth from connecting, stopping traction and minimizing wear and tear on tooth enamel. With consistent use of a night guard, soft tissue damage caused by misaligned canine teeth has the chance to heal.

At JS Dental Lab, we have high-quality, dental-grade night guards and mail them right to your door! Learn more here.

Gum Disease

Mild gum disease — gingivitis — is reversible if caught early enough. But if left untreated, it can turn into periodontitis.

Termed “periodontal disease,” this issue causes inflammation and infection in the gums. Because the canine teeth are the most frequent part of the mouth affected by aggressive brushing and gum recession, they can also be where you start to notice periodontal disease symptoms the soonest.

Periodontitis is dangerous and often characterized by:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Bad breath
  • Gum recession
  • Loose teeth

Periodontitis is progressive, so it will continue to worsen without ongoing dental care and monitoring. It is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults.

Treating Gum Disease in the Canine Teeth Area

The best way to prevent gum disease is to make you have excellent oral hygiene.

Visit the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss daily.

But if it’s too late and you notice swollen, tender, or bleeding gums and pain around the canine teeth, you’ll need professional care. Your dentist may suggest a scaling and planing cleaning using specialized tools to get under the pockets around the teeth and remove debris and bacteria. 

Abscess of the Tooth Root

Bacterial infections in the mouth create pockets around the tooth. These pus pockets are usually the result of dental issues left untreated, such as:

  • Tooth decay
  • A cavity
  • An injury to the tooth or gums

When the abscess happens at the tooth root, it’s called periapical. Periapical abscesses irritate the nerves and cause pain along with the infection. If you’re feeling a canine toothache, you might have an abscess in that tooth or an adjacent one. 

Treating a Tooth Abscess

An abscess should never be ignored. As an infection, it can worsen and enter the bloodstream, which can be life-threatening. If you suspect you have an abscess, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. They can drain the pocket and prescribe antibiotics or other treatments to flush the infection out. If you ignore the problem for too long, you may need a root canal or extraction. 

Damaged Teeth (Trauma)

Have you recently had any trauma to the canine or adjacent teeth?

If so, it’s likely the cause of your pain. Even if you didn’t notice any immediate problems, like a cracked tooth, the impact on your mouth could have damaged the tissues, ligaments, or bones supporting your teeth. Over time, this minor damage can become more serious, leading to dislocated teeth (tooth luxation).

The sooner you visit your dentist after a mouth injury, the earlier the problem is detected and the tooth can be stabilized. 

When a Canine Tooth Needs More Help

Canine teeth pain caused by problems like bruxism, mild impactions, and misalignments may just need home remedies, such as at-home TLC or over-the-counter pain medication (like ibuprofen or acetaminophen) to handle the discomfort.

But at-home care and palliative treatment aren’t enough to fix the pain of a severely damaged canine tooth. 

If you notice any of the following symptoms, seek urgent care for your canine teeth pain:

  • Ear or sinus infection
  • Nerve damage (shown as sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures or pain when you chew, yawn, and bite)
  • Bone damage from trauma
  • Abscessed teeth with pus pockets along the gum or other soft tissue
  • Severe pain

Infections and abscesses can be treated early with antibiotics, special mouthwash, and minor in-office dental care. Bone and nerve damage will need more intensive treatment.

However, if you catch the problem soon enough, there’s a good chance you can save the tooth and fix the cause of your pain.

Keep in mind that if your dentist recommends seeing an oral surgeon for a canine tooth extraction, the issue must be serious. Because your canine teeth are connected to a strong blood supply, controlling the bleeding can be a challenge.

Whatever’s causing your canine teeth pain, getting a diagnosis and medical advice early is vital to finding the easiest solution. 


Dental problems that lead to painful canines usually worsen before they get better because you use these essential teeth daily. Consider the above possible causes of your canine discomfort, and contact your dentist for an accurate diagnosis.

In the meantime, preventing further damage to your teeth and soft tissue in your mouth could be as simple as having JS Dental Lab create a custom night guard for you. 

Shop Our Night Guards Today

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