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The Repurchase Program: A start to finish guide for placing a repurchase order.
by Angela Todd |
Whether you’re a fairly new night guard user or have been one for many years, you’re aware that your night guard will eventually need to be replaced. Chances are, if you’re reading this article you’re probably looking for some more information about our repurchase program.
As a JS Dental Lab customer, we’re thrilled to see that you’re interested in purchasing a new guard from us! We’ve created a special program for any of our customers who have previously purchased a night guard from us in the past.
Why would I want or need to repurchase a nightguard?
There are a number of reasons you may be considering a repurchase order. Here are a few of the most common reasons for repurchase orders:
- Hygienic needs: In many cases, over time the guard will become discolored even with the most diligent of care and maintenance. This is due to the number of bacteria present in our mouths at any given time.
- The guard is worn out: Your guard may have lasted longer than our guarantee period but at some point, you may notice there are small holes or cracks, or the guard may simply just be becoming a bit too loose over time. In these cases, replacing an old guard with a new one is the best remedy.
- Accidental damage: We see it all the time! A curious puppy mistakes your guard for a chew toy, you accidentally leave your guard in your back pocket while washing your jeans, or even run over the guard in your driveway. Accidents happen! In any case, external damage on your nightguard can wreak havoc on how it fits. We also offer an insurance plan for those a bit more accident prone.
- Loss: Moving and travel are common and sometimes necessary parts of our daily lives. Unfortunately, they are also notorious times for things to become lost in transit. If you’ve lost your guard, you may be interested in purchasing a replacement.
- Backup guards: Perhaps you’re the type of person who prefers having a guard in all possible locations you may need one. The repurchase program offers a great option for buying those back-up guards.
Regardless of the reason you are looking at “buying your guard again”, you’ll be glad to know that our repurchase program provides a discount of up to 25%!
What is the repurchase program?
In the simplest terms, our repurchase program is our small way of saying thank you for your return business.
Basically, after your first purchase with us, you can receive 15-25% off future purchases by creating a repurchase account on our website.
For orders over $100, there is an automatic 15% discount. So for example, if you’re simply looking to replace your night guard, you’ll most likely receive this percentage off on your next order. For orders over $200, the discount is 25%. If you’re ordering multiple replacement guards for yourself or you and a family member, this would be the discount percentage.
If you’ve previously purchased a night guard, day guard, retainer or whitening trays from us, you are automatically eligible for the repurchase program.
How it works:
Once you’ve made the decision to purchase a replacement guard, you’ll need access to an account on our website.
If you’ve ordered directly from us in the past, you should already have an account.

You can try the forgotten password button (located under the sign in) or send an email to our customer support team if you are having trouble getting into your account.
If your original order came from Amazon or another e-commerce platform, you’ll most likely need to create a repurchase account on our website.

Once you’ve created or logged into your repurchase account, you’ll want to decide what type of guard you prefer. If you’re not quite sure what guard you purchased previously, you can send an email to and our team will help to locate your original order.
You may also be interested in trying a new guard type. Our 30 second quiz is a great way to help in narrowing down your options.
Once you’ve selected the guard type you would like, you will be prompted to select the position (upper or lower) and any type specific options that are available.
(Don’t worry if the price doesn’t look discounted just yet!) When you’ve decided which guard is the right type for you, go ahead and click “Next Step”.
You’ll then be brought to an impression info screen. For standard guard orders, it will look a bit like this:
If you’re purchasing a 3D Premium guard, it’ll look a bit like this:
Once you’ve appropriately answered the questions, the screen will update you to inform you if you’re going to be sent a new impression kit...
Or if you’ll need to send back your existing impressions.

You’ll see a few prompts for add-ons such as our guard spray and other guard options . Select your preferences and proceed to the checkout screen.

If you’re correctly logged into your repurchase account, the discount will be automatically applied at the checkout screen.

Once you’ve finished adding your items to your order, you’ll provide your payment information and complete the order.
After your order has been placed:
Once you’ve hit the submit button, you’ll receive an email confirmation.
If your impression info screen stated you would be sent a new impression kit, all you’ll need to do is wait for it to arrive.
If you’re going to send back your existing impressions, you should also receive a second email with the instructions to send your existing impressions back to us. Sometimes it doesn’t make it to the right folder so if you don’t see the instructions email about 10 minutes after you place your order, please email our customer support team and we’ll be happy to send it to you directly.
The email also contains a self-generation link for a prepaid return label and your repurchase order form. You’ll need to fill out your repurchase information, create the return label and use any regular bubble mailer to send the existing impression (from your previous order with us) back to our lab.
Why don’t we just offer a subscription service?
While some things are definitely more convenient with a monthly or quarterly subscription service, we don’t believe your night guard should be one of those things.
We stand by our products and believe that a good quality night guard should last you at least 12 months before needing replacement!
So while your razor blades or your laundry detergent may need to be replaced frequently, your night guard should have a much longer shelf life.
When do I need a new impression?
For our repurchase orders, we do not automatically send out a new impression kit. When we ship your guard back to you, unless you’ve ordered a 3D Premium Guard, we ship the impression and the white plaster teeth mold back with your guard.
Your impression is good for about 24 months.
We recommend that you replace your night guard every 12-24 months depending on the wear, tear and dental conditions you are experiencing. Most of our repurchase customers typically tend to replace their guards sometime between 12-18 months of wear.
If your impression is over 24 months old…
After 24 months, however, the impression material shrinks due to losing moisture. Think of it like playdoh that’s left in a slightly open container over time. When the impression shrinks, it changes the shape and size of the teeth impression, which can result in the guard not fitting properly by being unbalanced or too tight or loose. So if it’s been longer than 24 months since you’ve made your last impression, you’ll most likely need to make a new one.
If you’ve changed your guard position…
Change is a natural part of life and is in fact part of what makes it fun. But changes can sometimes be difficult to facilitate. We’ve seen several times where a customer will initially order an upper guard and later decide to try a lower guard. Since the original order is for an upper guard, you will only have an upper impression. If you place a repurchase order for a lower guard, you will need to have a lower impression made to make a lower guard.
The only exception to this is for our customers who have previously ordered a 3D Premium guard, which requires both the upper and lower impressions for either the upper or lower guard position.
If you’ve had dental work done….
Going to the dentist is a necessary part of life, even if it’s not exactly the most pleasant experience. The slightest dental procedure can dramatically change the way your teeth meet and line up with each other. Anytime you’ve had any dental work such as fillings, root canals, tooth extractions, etc, the overall bite can be impacted. You may not notice these changes in your smile, but when trying on the guard that fit perfectly the night before, you’ll notice that your guard doesn’t quite fit right. If you’ve had any dental work done since your last impression was made, you’ll need to make a new impression.
(If you’re thinking about purchasing a guard and know you’ve got dental work coming up, you might be interested in purchasing our insurance.)
If you’ve had teeth changes due to natural causes…
Your teeth are naturally shifting slightly over time. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including the pressure exerted on your teeth by your bruxism. Other factors like age, dental health and genetic factors also play a roll in how your teeth may shift over time.
In addition, other factors such as your overall oral health, have an impact on the position of your teeth.
Any loss of teeth or shifting, from natural events or accidents will also have an effect on the fit of your guard. If you’ve had any changes in your teeth since your last impression, outside of a dentist visit, you’ll need to make a new impression.
What do I do if I need a new impression?
Many times, we’ve seen the question of if a new impression is needed, do you still qualify for the discount? Absolutely! We’ll honor the discount even if a new impression is needed.
At JS Dental Lab, we strive to provide you with a high-quality, customized night guard that you’ll love wearing. We’re always excited to see our return customers and are here to help in any way that we can. If you’ve got any additional questions about our repurchase program, please contact us here.